Fix Pet Spots in 5 Steps
We love our dogs. We go to great lengths to make them as happy as they make us. But every year, we’re faced with yard maintenance that can feel overwhelming. Let’s get to work! The sooner those yard spots are fixed, the sooner we can get back to playing.
Here’s how to fix pet spots in your yard.
1. Do this project the day before rains are expected.
You want the ground dry because it’s easier to get the dead grass out with dry soil. Yet, you can conserve water in the following days by using what the skies give you for free!
2. Remove the dead grass.
I started by tearing out the grass with my hands. For a couple of spots, this worked just fine. Although, I should have worn gloves if I was going to fix the whole yard; I was being lazy and didn’t want to make another trip to the garage.
3. Break up about an inch of the soil.
I grabbed the mini tiller, and it was the perfect tool for the job. In hindsight, I could have used this to break up the dead grass, too, but you still have to get your hands dirty and remove the dead grass. You don’t want it in the planting bed that you’re prepping.
4. Shake your lawn seed mix into the planting bed.
If you’d like our recommendation, X-Seed makes a cool product that is specifically formulated for pet spots. Check it out on Whatever you use, be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging, especially if you pulled out the package of lawn seed that you bought last year. These lawn patches have fertilizer already in them, and they can become less effective over time. Fresh really is better.
5. Water the area well.
Don’t let it dry out for the next week or two. You’ll see grass regrowing in as few as seven days.
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