Daily Dog

Daily Dog Vitamins

Let’s start by clearing the air:

Without supplementation, dogs get most of their vitamin intake from the food they eat. Processed dog food usually contains enough essential nutrients to keep dogs happy and healthy for years.

Humans, just like dogs, get most of our micro and macronutrients from the food we eat. Supplementing beyond that has shown only anecdotal success.

With that being said, lots of veterinarians swear by a myriad of supplements as alternatives to more heavy-duty medications for a whole list of common canine ailments, so you might be wondering,

Which Supplements Should I Give to my Dog?

Here’s a handy list of often-prescribed supplements that your veterinarian might recommend

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Arthritis is indiscriminate. It affects dogs the same way it affects humans and horses. Odds are good that you take glucosamine and chondroitin yourself, particularly if you’re getting up there in age.

Doctors often recommend a regular dose of these two supplements to help repair damaged joint cartilage. Even younger active individuals stand to benefit from the product. Likewise, if your dog is older, or highly active, a canine-formulated glucosamine and chondroitin supplement is worth considering.

So how do glucosamine and chondroitin work?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are thought to boost the body’s ability to repair the spongy cushioning in joints. Chondroitin also has some pain-relieving properties in human studies that are thought to apply to dogs as well.

What do vets have to say about it?

“Glucosamine and chondroitin are commonly recommended by veterinarians as an alternative for treating osteoarthritis in canines unable to tolerate the adverse effects of NSAIDs, or as add-on therapy,” concluded a February 2017 article in Open Veterinary Journal. However, more testing is needed in order to provide dog owners with concrete evidence for the supplement’s long-term success.

Omega 3,6,9

Just like humans, dogs don’t naturally produce Omegas. Rather, they source these vital fatty acids from their food. Most dog food comes packed with an overabundance of Omega 6 fatty acids found in grain. Balancing Omega-6 with Omega-3, and -9 helps encourage healthy brain and eye development in dogs and can stabilize their cognitive ability over time.


All bacteria are not bad. In fact, we rely on a ton of it to keep our bodies regulated and healthy, and so does your dog. Probiotics, in all their various forms, help bolster the friendly microbes in your dog’s gut.

If your pup is suffering from semi-regular diarrhea or a mysterious illness, try adding a probiotic to its diet. Keep one thing in mind, though: Probiotic supplements contain living organisms. That means they are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Pay attention to the recommended storing methods usually listed on the packaging. And speaking of packaging, most manufacturers will list how many live bacteria tend to survive throughout the shelf life of the product. This will help you know when to use up your supply.

So, is there proof for whether probiotics work? Anecdotally, yes. But this could be linked to a general lack of testing. Again, consult your veterinarian if you aren’t sure.


Melatonin has increased in popularity for both humans and their pets in recent years, and it makes sense. Melatonin is an excellent anti-anxiety and sleep aid. And it lacks some of the narcotic side effects of heavy-duty drugs.

Early studies show that melatonin helps about 80% of treated dogs with noise phobias. If you live in a noisy location or have a dog that reacts to construction noise or fireworks, consider giving melatonin a shot, but be careful with melatonin as it can be pretty powerful. Consult your veterinarian for proper dosing guidelines that consider your dog’s weight and age.

Pet Supplements at Murdoch’s

Interested in adding some supplements to your dog’s diet?

Consult your vet first, and then check out our selection of premium pet supplements.